Our Story

In the event of an emergency where a friend, a family member, a colleague, or even a stranger may be experiencing serious bleeding, how many people can say they know how to stop the bleed? Thankfully, Harris Health System provides the very important Stop the Bleed training program to all, supported by the Harris County Hospital District Foundation (HCHD Foundation).
As the Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator for Ben Taub Hospital, my biggest goal is to reach the people of Harris County in the community setting before they reach us in the hospital setting. One of the ways we do that is through teaching the Stop the Bleed program in schools, universities, and to the county residents. This program teaches non-medical personnel how to implement lifesaving measures before emergency providers arrive in the event of a crisis situation. In a year-to-date effort of collaboration with LBJ Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine Trauma Surgeons, and regional hospital collaborations, Harris Health has taught over 800 people how to Stop The Bleed. – Katherine Bare, Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator, Ben Taub Hospital
Jeffrey Baker, HCHD Foundation Executive Director asked Katherine to offer the Stop the Bleed training to the Foundation team. The team is enthusiastic about the program and learning vital information to help others who are in dire need! Here in the Foundation office, Katherine provided a well informative training which stressed that uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths.
The training included a PowerPoint presentation and a live demonstration on how to recognize serious bleeding vs. non-serious bleeding, locating the wound, and how, when, and where to control the bleeding via a tourniquet and packing the wound.
The Foundation team is grateful to receive such valuable training and is now well prepared to stop the bleed.
If your school or community group would like a Stop the Bleed training, please contact:
Katherine (Kati) Bare, Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator, at Katherine.bare@harrishealth.org
Robin Garza, Director of Trauma Services, at Robin.garza@harrishealth.org

Pictured: Injury Prevention and Outreach Coordinator Katherine Bare, Foundation Executive Director Jeff Baker, Operations Manager Carolyn Amos, and Senior Accountant Pamela Vann. Photos by: Foundation Marketing & Social Media Specialist Veronica Washington