Is the HCHD Foundation part of Harris Health?

The HCHD Foundation is a separate entity and not part of Harris Health.

Where does the HCHD Foundation’s money come from?

The HCHD Foundation receives funding from event proceeds, foundation solicited grants, individual solicited and unsolicited donations, corporate donations and grants and in- kind contributions of goods and services acquired through partnerships, sponsorships and donations.

The HCHD Foundation also works as a team with Board of Trustee members, Harris Health employees, Harris Health Board of Managers and other fundraising professionals to administer capital campaigns raising funding for new capital assets for Harris Health.

Does the Foundation grant money to other organizations outside of Harris Health?

The HCHD Foundation has one endowed fund for which some of the grants can be made to external 501c3’s and agencies all within Harris County. 

Please review the Children’s Health Fund page for more information on the purpose of the fund and the fund’s application process.

What is the process to receive a grant from the Children’s Health Fund?

The Children’s Health Fund is granted on an annual basis. Visit our Children’s Health Fund page for details and an application. Submitted applications are reviewed by the Children’s Health Advisory Committee before recommendations are reviewed and discussed by the HCHD Foundation Board of Trustees.

How do I know my money is spent on the intended purpose?

All decisions for funding grant awards managed by the HCHD Foundation are made according to the policies and procedures governed by the Board of Trustees. Funds donated by individuals or corporations are applied to the original purpose intended by the donor, according to Internal Revenue Service rules and the State of Texas laws for non-profit financial management. Grants awarded to the foundation are used according to terms stated in the funding agreement.

How do we know if our donations are making a difference?

Donors may contact the HCHD Foundation at any time to request information on the impact of their contributions. The HCHD Foundation also publishes an Annual Report that provides updates on the impact of all support to Harris Health programs and services. Quarterly newsletters are published by the HCHD Foundation to provide regular updates on the impact of contributions and other news.

How does the HCHD Foundation decide its grant request funding priorities?

Funding requests by Harris Health management are reviewed by the Harris Health CEO and the HCHD Foundation’s Board annually. The HCHD Foundation then speaks with the approved program groups and sets priorities based on the listing approved.

How can one participate in events produced by the Foundation?

We welcome public participation in all of our events!  To participate, please visit our HCHD Foundation Events page for more details of each event sponsored by the Foundation.

For additional information please contact the HCHD Foundation at 713-566-6409.

How can I make a donation to the HCHD Foundation and to a specific purpose?

Donations can be received by the Foundation for any Harris Health program or services, facility or purpose related to its mission.  Donations can also be received by the Foundation in support of its own programs and fund raising events and goals.

There are specific funds listed on the donate page of the website but if these are not what you are seeking to fund or not specific to your ideas, please call 713-566-6409 for more information and find out how you can best support the Foundation and Harris Health.

How do I contact the Foundation?

You can visit our Contact Page at anytime.
Please call 713-566-6409 main line to reach the Foundation office and staff can assist you in finding the right person to meet your needs.

I work with a Harris Health Clinic and want to plan a fund raiser, can the Foundation assist us?

Yes, we can! Please call 713-566-6409 main line to reach the Foundation office and staff can assist you in finding the right person to answer your questions and find the best way to assist with your project.

I work at Harris Health and need funding for a program, how can the Foundation assist us?

Yes! We will work with you to help achieve funding for approved programs. Call the Foundation for more details at 713-566-6409.

Can I contribute with in-kind donations?

Absolutely. If you’d like to contribute to our mission with an in-kind donations such as please contact us.

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