Welcome to the
HCHD Foundation Small Grants Fund
The Harris County Hospital District Foundation Board of Trustees approves funds annually for short-term pilot projects benefiting patients of Harris Health System.
Grants, up to $5,000, are available for qualifying projects and will be awarded on a one time, one term basis.
Note: Small grants are seed monies for pilot projects, and should not be expected to be received on an ongoing basis for the same project.
All Harris Health System’s pavilions, clinics and departments are eligible to apply. Please complete the following three page grant application and budget template. When completing your Grant application, please ensure that you attain your pavilion Associate Administrator and the Executive Vice President signature’s first. The CEO’s signature would be the final signature.
HCHD Foundation Small Grants Committee now reviews applications for pilot projects on a monthly basis!
Click Here to download the application for Small Grants
Please submit applications to the HCHD Foundation, 4800 Fournace, 7th Floor West, Bellaire, TX 77401.
If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Amos at 346-426-0308 or via email at carolyn.amos@harrishealth.org.