Welcome to the
Harris Health System Employee Contribution Fund
The Harris Health System Employee Contribution Fund is for projects $5,000 and under. The Fund receives its monies from Harris Health Employee payroll deductions and thus the amount available for funding may vary. Each project objective from this fund is to encourage Harris Health staff and medical staff to identify and implement ideas that will improve the organization’s services.
Applications are accepted quarterly. Only one grant award per department will be given each fiscal year. Awards are announced within 4 weeks after the due date.
Requirements: Grant recipients must agree to use grant funds only as described in the proposal. Grantees are required to submit a six-month progress report and a final report within twelve months from the date when the grant is awarded. Unused funds after this twelve-month period will be returned to the Harris Health Employee Contribution Fund.
All Harris Health System’s pavilions, clinics and departments are eligible to apply. Please complete the following three page grant application and budget template. When completing your Grant application, please ensure that you attain your pavilion Associate Administrator and the Executive Vice President signature’s first. The CEO’s signature would be the final signature.
Please submit applications to the HCHD Foundation, 4800 Fournace, 7th Floor West, Bellaire, TX 77401.
If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Amos at 346-426-0308 or via email at carolyn.amos@harrishealth.org.
For Harris Health System Employee Contribution Fund Recipients
Click Here to Download the Employee Contribution Fund Final Report Template