The LBJ Hospital Community Farm is a one-acre plot developed in collaboration with experienced local agricultural professionals to provide:
+ community access to fresh fruits and vegetables
+ fresh produce for a food prescription program for our patients
+ a multi-level garden for outpatient rehab therapy
+ healthy lifestyle educational opportunities for the community we serve
+ greater awareness of the long-term benefits of a healthy diet
Your donation to the LBJ Hospital Community Farm will help support a community where many of our neighbors face serious financial challenges. Your generosity makes a healthier future possible. To support the Farm, the following are some giving opportunities available:
- + Name a Tree – Celebrate a special person or leave your own mark on LBJ’s campus by naming a tree. A $1,500 gift will cover planting and caring for the tree for life, a certificate and dedication plaque. Multiple donors can contribute to a single tree.
- + Sponsor a Garden Box – Join in and sponsor a raised-bed garden box for $3,000 and help supply fresh produce to the surrounding community. A $3,000 gift be planted and nurtured by volunteers, patients and the dedicated LBJ family.
- + Program Support – Gifts of all sizes have the power to heal and change lives. No gift is too small and all gifts are greatly appreciated to support the LBJ Farm Project.
We welcome the Harris County community to partner with us in creating a healthier future for our residents.
Upon purchase, please contact Ashley Costales at
giving@harrishealth.org or call 713-566-4360 to name your tree or garden box.
To learn more about the LBJ Hospital Community Farm, call 281-785-7479 or email LBJfarm@harrishealth.org
LBJ Hospital Community Farm
5656 Kelley Street | Houston, TX 77026