Dorothy Caram, Ed.D

Dorothy Caram, Ed.D

     As a resident of Houston, Dr. Dorothy Caram is proud of her heritage: four generations of Texans on her paternal side and first generation Mexican on her maternal side. Dr. Caram is a retired educator/administrator from the University of Houston Main Campus, and has volunteered as a member of numerous commissions, boards, and committees for many national, state, and local governmental and nonprofit organizations. In the medical services field, Dr. Caram has been appointed and served on the Advisory Commission of NINCDS (of NIH), board member of the Harris County Hospital District and Harris County Hospital District Foundation, UTHSC, Houston Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, Minority Education Committee for Baylor College of Medicine, chair of the Hermann Foundation Grants Committee, and the Mano a Mano Research Advisory Committee of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

     She has organized two Hispanic health fairs for the Houston Hispanic Forum in cooperation with Austin High School (HISD) and two Hispanic Health Symposiums held at Rice University. As a result of her dedication to years of volunteer work, King Juan Carlos bestowed an award naming Dr. Caram the “Lady in the Order of Isabel the Catholic (Queen) and Mexico” named her a recipient of the OHTLI Award.

     She was also recognized as the “Distinguished Mexican American” for her participation in the Fiestas Patrias Celebration and was named Distinguish Hispanic Citizen of the Year by the mayor of the City of Houston.

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